Category: Press Releases
Stress Tests Underscore Capital Strength of Nation’s Largest Banks
Basel Changes to Capital Surcharge Calculation Unwarranted
Another Bill Americans Can’t Afford Campaign Launches New Ads During SOTU
Campaign led by the Financial Services Forum and its member banks will run a television ad to raise awareness of the negative impacts of Basel III Endgame WASHINGTON, D.C. — The “Another Bill Americans Can’t Afford” campaign, an initiative led by the Financial Services Forum (the Forum) and its member banks to raise awareness of… Continue reading Another Bill Americans Can’t Afford Campaign Launches New Ads During SOTU
ICYMI: Unintended Consequences of Higher Bank Capital Could Lessen U.S. Financial Stability
Forum CEO: Analysis Shows Excessive Cost of Capital Proposal
Press Release: Basel III Endgame proposal would harm American households, businesses, and the broader economy
Press Release: Highlighting Concerns on Basel III Endgame
Press Release: Required Bank Capital Increase Would Far Exceed Government Estimates
ICYMI: Reuters – “UK lenders face smaller impact from Basel rules than rivals”