One chart you need to see today

When regulators asked Americans to weigh in on Basel III Endgame, the opposition was overwhelming. About 97.5% of the Basel III Endgame public comment letters were negative in sentiment, according to Latham & Watkins. And more importantly, the vast majority of those negative comments – over 86% – came from outside the banking sector, including… Continue reading One chart you need to see today

Another Bill Americans Can’t Afford Campaign Launches New Ads During SOTU 

Campaign led by the Financial Services Forum and its member banks will run a television ad to raise awareness of the negative impacts of Basel III Endgame WASHINGTON, D.C. — The “Another Bill Americans Can’t Afford” campaign, an initiative led by the Financial Services Forum (the Forum) and its member banks to raise awareness of… Continue reading Another Bill Americans Can’t Afford Campaign Launches New Ads During SOTU